Lake Rawlings, May 2005 - This was Sherri's open water certification weekend at Lake Rawlings, Virginia, three days prior to us heading to West Palm for Memorial Day diving in the sun and gulf stream. After completing all the classroom work and the pool sessions thru Annapolis SCUBA she got to experience the "fun" of a quarry dive in May. It turned out to be a great time in southern Virginia, with the temp in the 80s, people getting sunburned. It was a good thing the temp was high because as far as I can remember the thermocline was non-existant and the temperature very quickly dropped to around 53-56 deg (brrrrrrr). Its been a long time for me, but I do remember that doing all your skills with a hood on can be a pain, and without a hood is even more painful. The vis was decent for a quarry, on the order of 20-25 ft (before the beginner students stirred up the bottom !!) and there were hordes of people there. Link to Lake Rawlings.

Lake Rawlings Photos - May 2005
Beach Entry
Lake Rawlings
Bessie watching the Divers
Diver Candidate Sherri
Getting Ready to Dive
Sherri and Dive Buddy, Elise
Now Certified (for what you might ask)
Even Me????